“Drama is life with the dull bits cut out”
In Drama, we explore a range of play texts creating and performing characters from a range of playwrights, from George Bernard Shaw (Pygmalion) to Ayub Khan Din (East is East).
We devise our own work using practitioners such as Artaud and Berkoff and a range of stimuli to create performances such as murder mysteries, physical theatre and pantomime.
We aim to have fun, engaging lessons that also make us challenge our own views and beliefs and see life from different perspectives. At KS4, we study Acting using the RSL exam board.
We look at contrasting genres, improve performance skills and see and review live theatre.
Extra-curricular :
We offer a range of clubs and experiences in Drama, we have a Drama club open to all year groups, a debate club for year 7 students (they compete in a league against other schools in our trust), a whole school show, and a number of theatre visits and workshops throughout the year. (Previous shows have included "Matilda", "Woman in Black" and "The Play That Goes Wrong").
We also have theatre companies in school to perform to whole year groups. For example, year 8 see "DNA" by Denis Kelly performed by Quirky Bird theatre. We have a yearly London overnight visit, and plan to run a biennial trip to New York to see a Broadway show and soak up the sights and atmosphere.
Drama at TPS encourages strong, confident public speakers and empathetic people who are ready for a career in or out of the industry.
Telford Priory School, New Rd, Wrockwardine Wood, Telford TF2 7AB
Email: info@telfordprioryschool.co.uk
Tel: 01952 386400